
A unique training for NITAG was organized in Beijing on December 12-14 2017. For the first time, the training gathered together NITAG chair and members but also the working group leaders, ex-officio members and liaison members as well as NITAG from other countries as facilitators.

China’s State Council requested that National Health and Family planning commission (NHFPC) establish a National Immunization Advisory Committee. In Oct 2017 was established the new National immunization advisory committee (NIAC).

The first day of the seminar included presentations on the history and progress of EPI in China, the NIAC charter, the anticipated value of NIAC to China’s EPI system, and the Working Groups' (WGs) support for NITAGs in general and NIAC specifically. The next two days included didactic and case-based presentations on international experiences and the development of evidence-based recommendations for immunization.
Faculty presented six in-depth case-studies of immunization policy making, including considerations for Tdap during every pregnancy; HPV vaccination of boys in Sweden; development of and challenges with HPV vaccination recommendations in the U.S; development of the United Kingdom’s meningococcal B vaccine recommendations; progress in development of U.S. influenza policy; and development of U.S. pneumococcal conjugate vaccine policy. Moreover, faculty presented considerations for use of GRADE and economic evaluation for immunization recommendations. The advanced seminar helped the NIAC WGs to outline their terms of reference and WGs leaders also introduced their work plans. WHO, NHFPC, China CDC will continue the collaboration on new vaccine introduction, updating immunization schedule etc.

  • China