To maintain long-term protection against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTP), booster doses of DTP-containing vaccines are needed beyond the primary infant series. WHO recommends three diphtheria and tetanus boosters and at least one pertussis booster during childhood and adolescence, given as combination vaccines. However, as of 2023 (reported JRF data), only 83 countries have all three WHO-recommended boosters in their schedules, and 43 countries (primarily in the African region) have no boosters at all. As of December 2023, Gavi-eligible countries can apply for DTPcv booster support. 

This webinar will highlight: 

  • The importance of DTP-containing vaccine boosters and recommended schedules 
  • Opportunities for programme synergies and integration 
  • Gavi support and application details 
  • Supply and vaccine product considerations
  • booster doses
  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus
  • Pertussis