What are the objectives of this recommendation?
The main objective of this first part is to assess the relevance of modifying (i.e. removing, suspending, restricting or extending) each of these vaccination obligations.
Main elements considered
- The criteria for implementing a vaccination obligation for health professionals
- Measures to prevent healthcare-associated infections in France
- Vaccination recommendations and obligations abroad
- Vaccines available in France for adults
- Disease epidemiology, vaccination coverage and efficacy data (on transmission, symptomatic forms, severe forms and deaths) and vaccine safety
- Data on the frequency of occurrence of infections in professionals or the people for whom they are responsible
- Data on the impact of implementing and/or suspending a recommendation and/or an obligation to vaccinate
- Measures to improve vaccination coverage among professionals
- Recommendation
- Europe
- France
- Healthcare workers
- Diphtheria
- Hepatitis B
- Tetanus
- COVID-19
- Poliomyelitis