
The orientation meeting on National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (NITAG) in the WHO African Region opened on Thursday, 7 May 2015 at the WHO Regional office for Africa in Brazzaville, Congo. A total of 38 participants, from WHO (PAHO, HQ, AFRO, 3 IST & 11 country offices), countries (Benin, Congo, Cameroon, DRC, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Uganda, Malawi, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe), partners: AMP/SIVAC, GAVI, West African health Organization (WAHO), NITAG chair Indonesia participated in the 2 day meeting.

The objectives of the workshop were:

  • To provide countries with the necessary information on the creation /strengthening of NITAG
  • To share experiences and lessons learned from other countries with functional NITAG
  • To discuss the opportunities of harmonizing NITAG work with other existing consultative/advisory committees in the Health Sector
  • To agree on key activities & timeline for NITAG creation / strengthening at country level and monitoring mechanisms
  • To inform countries about potential partners and the kind of technical support they can provide them
  • WHO
  • Africa