
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease of 2019) pandemic, myocarditis has received much attention and controversy as one of the more worrisome cardiovascular complications. After the availability of highly effective COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in late 2020, myocarditis was also appreciated as an important vaccine-related adverse event. Though the overall frequency of clinically evident viral myocarditis is rare in the general population, young males show a higher predilection for COVID vaccine-induced myocarditis. The severity of COVID-19 viral myocarditis is variable, ranging from very mild to severe, while vaccine-induced myocarditis is usually mild, and rarely a severe or fatal disease. The diagnosis of either COVID-19 or vaccine-induced myocarditis is based on typical clinical features, laboratory investigations, and imaging, preferably with cardiac magnetic resonance. The management of COVID-19 myocarditis is supportive care for mild or moderate disease. For the rare patient who develops severe disease, advanced heart failure therapies such as mechanical circulatory support devices may have to be employed and can be lifesaving. Avoidance of strenuous exercise during the bout of myocarditis and its recovery phase is important. Despite the small but finite risk of vaccine-induced myocarditis, the benefits of protection against COVID-19 disease and its attendant complications far outweigh the risks.

  • Adolescents
  • Adults
  • Older adults
  • Vaccine/vaccination
  • COVID-19
  • Safety