
The Superior Council for Infectious Diseases recommends:

  • intradermal administration at a dose of 0.1 ml as an option, for the first and/or second dose in any immunocompetent elderly adult 18 years of age or older, during periods of shortage of the MVA-BN vaccine in National level. It is essential to underline the importance of an administration correct intradermal injection to ensure that immune responses are comparable to those obtained with a standard SC dose. The vaccination intradermal should be administered by personnel trained in this technical. The use of low dead volume syringes is advised to maximize the doses withdrawn per vial.
  • administration of a single dose SC (0.5 ml) or ID (0.1 ml) in case of previous vaccination against smallpox with a live vaccine of 1st or 2nd generation (people born before 1977 or with a typical scar of arm vaccination).
  • Recommendation
  • Europe
  • Luxembourg
  • Mpox