
Background: Vaccine hesitancy (VH) is a recognized threat to public health that undermines efforts to mitigate disease burden. This study aims to gather available evidence regarding COVID-19 VH in Mexico, estimate the prevalence of VH, and its determinants to inform policymaking in this country. Method(s): Following PRISMA guidelines, a systematic review of the MEDLINE literature, articles that estimated the prevalence of COVID-19 VH in Mexico were included in the analysis to obtain a pooled estimate. We used a binomial-normal model for meta-analysis of proportions (i.e., generalized linear mixed model) to perform the metanalysis. We then performed a narrative review of COVID-19 VH in Mexican subpopulations. Result(s): Seven studies met inclusion criteria. We estimated a pooled prevalence of COVID-19 VH of 16 % (95 % CI: 11-23 %) in Mexico. We found an association between VH and demographic characteristics, intrinsic vaccine factors, and beliefs. Subgroup analyses from specific studies suggested that patients with clinical conditions such as breast cancer or rheumatologic diseases had a higher prevalence of VH. Conclusion(s): VH is a highly complex and dynamic phenomenon in Mexico. Characterizing and understanding COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the Mexican population helps target future policy interventions to mitigate the spread and impact of infectious diseases. The implications of VH differ among groups that may be at higher risk of severe disease, underscoring the importance of prompt research among these groups as well as targeted interventions to address VH. Copyright © 2024 The Author(s)

  • Americas
  • Mexico
  • All age groups
  • COVID-19
  • Acceptance