
Objective: To evaluate vaccine effectiveness (VE) of mumps-containing vaccine (MuV) under different immunization strategies. Methods: We conducted Medline, Embase, China National Knowledge Internet (CNKI), and Wan Fang Database (WF) searches for Chinese and English language articles describing studies of mumps VE in a Chinese population. Evaluated articles were scored on quality using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Meta-analysis was conducted using random effects models. Sensitivity analysis, subgroup analysis and meta-regression were conducted to explore heterogeneity. Results: A total of 32 studies in 19 papers were included; 14 were case-control studies, and 18 were cohort studies. Half of the studies were of high quality; 41% were of moderate quality. The overall VE for mumps containing vaccine (either one dose or two doses) was 85% (95% CI 76-90%) for cohort studies and 88% (95% CI 82-92%) for case-control studies. Using random effects meta-regression we found significant differences in some study covariates; for instance, VE varied by population (VE = 88% in day care versus 69% in pupil, p= 0.008) and emergency versus routine immunization (VE = 80% for routine immunization versus 95% for emergency immunization, p= 0.041). However, these results must be interpreted with caution due to the low number of studies in subgroups, with the permutation test giving non-significant results that indicated that the results may be due to chance. Conclusions: MuV provides good protection from mumps infection. Further studies of mumps VE with larger sample sizes enabling subgroup analyses will be needed to confirm our findings. 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Western Pacific
  • China
  • All age groups
  • Mumps
  • Efficacy/effectiveness
  • Administration